Unnecessary transfer activity

A new blog offering commentary on all things Norwich City FC from a proud "citizen journalist". I will criticise or praise our team without fear or favour. And abuse nurses if I'm in the mood because I am that sort of person.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

You are the manager

So then. Two goals down in a game we had to win to keep our slim play-off hopes alive what do you do?

a) Go for broke - throw the Doc forward (after all he's the ideal target for our hoof ball tactics) and go three at the back? Or
b) Nothing. Just cower at the back of the dugout and settle for 0-2?

Unsurprisingly we went for option b. Still, look on the bright side, Burnely is a nice trip out and we'll be back next year.

Please note that this post should not in any way be construed as an attack on the nursing profession.


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